You need a little extra encouragement. As you enter the final stretch of studying for your Personal Training Certification, you realize that going “back to school” is not all that easy. The fact that you have decided to tackle this challenge while being a stay at home mom of three little boys and a wife to a city police officer means that you have to make the most of any study time that you find. As a result, you realize that you are tackling this challenge without the support of any structured classroom or virtual support.
With your final 4 weeks planned out you have a schedule to work through 19 Study Guides and plan to post your progress on your social media pages. You are asking your followers and online fitness and healthy eating clients to help encourage and motivate you. In fact, you have posted that if your friends and clients do not see updates from you they should feel free to harass you until you are back on track! After months of encouraging your friends, relatives, and online clients in their efforts to eat a more healthy menu and make the best use of the fitness equipment that they have available, you are now asking your people to help you reach your ultimate goal.
Fitness Equipment Purchases Can Help You Reach Your Health Goals
Fitness stores offer a number of kinds of gym equipment, but if you do not make wise choices in your purchases you are simply wasting your money. By buying the right equipment, however, and following through on the plans that you have for leading a more active life and eating a more healthy diet, you can reach the fitness goals that you have.
According to the latest research, the good news is that as many as 53% of adults aged 18 and over met the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) guidelines for aerobic physical activity. The bad news, however, is that only 23.5% of adults aged 18 and up met those guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. Finding a way to have a healthy mix of aerobic physical activity and muscle strength activity is the real secret to being your most healthy self.