Health is an important and sometimes fragile thing. The human body can withstand extreme temperatures and physical strain, but something as tiny as the common cold can put you out of commission for days at a time! The only way to make sure your body can withstand that is to take care of it at all times.
Good health means exercise and a balanced diet, but it’s much more than that, too! Good health means keeping track of your health and visiting your doctor regularly. But if it’s short notice and your doctor isn’t available, where do you go? Each year, there are approximately 110 million emergency room visits. Whether it’s for a broken bone, a high fever, hives, or any other emergency situation, emergency rooms are important. But they can also be pricey.
The good news is that Urgent Care facilities will treat most any kind of problem you have on short notice. One of the most important and overlooked health issues today is STD testing. At places like Urgent Care, you can receive affordable, anonymous STD testing, which is important for good sexual health. The body deals with issues like bacteria and disease regularly, and many people overlook the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases. The truth is, if you’re sexually active with more than one partner, you should be going for testing regularly. It can be uncomfortable at first, but it’s vital to your health. Anonymous STD testing can ease some of the anxieties about going, not to mention the relief of knowing absolutely that nothing is wrong afterward. Regular STD testing can also be the key to treating and curing sexually transmitted diseases before they become a real threat to your health.
Over 60% of all Urgent Care centers have, in addition to other medical staff, at least one physician on staff at all times, so no matter where you go, you will be able to receive health care. A typical emergency room visit costs approximately $1,500, while an Urgent Care visit runs on average around $150. Don’t wait for health problems to creep up on you when you least expect it, take control of your health!