Hearing consultants

Not being able to distinguish the words you’re told when you try to hold a conversation can be extremely frustrating. Sometimes, understanding the sermon your preacher delivers is so difficult that you stop going to service altogether. Following the plot to a movie is so frustrating that the movies aren’t worth going to. If there is any background noise at all, you know you won’t be able to communicate with anyone you’re with, such as at a busy restaurant or coffee shop. If we just described you, your quality of life could significantly improve with the right assistive listening devices.

We know that it’s hard to acknowledge that you don’t hear as well as you used to, and going to the doctor to get the best listening devices for your hearing impairment can be intimidating. We don’t blame you if you feel hesitant about making the leap. But we feel so strongly that assistive listening devices will greatly improve your lifestyle that we put together a list of tips for getting the hearing help you need.

Four Tips for Buying the Right Assistive Listening Devices

  1. Enlist a support group.

    The whole hearing aid process might feel intimidating on your own. If you have a friend or family member who goes with you, you might feel more comfortable with the situation. Not to mention, your support person can help make sure that you get all of the information you need, and that you ask all the important questions. As they say, four ears are better than two.

    To turn a stressful day into something you look forward to, make a plan with your support person to do something you enjoy after your appointment. Maybe its getting lunch at your favorite restaurant. Maybe it’s a shopping spree. Maybe it’s a visit to the spa. Whatever the case, think of something you would love to do with someone you love, and then go forth and get your hearing aids.
  2. Go to the right provider.

    Your journey to getting the hearing aids you need is contingent on the provider who helps you being skilled in the industry. You could get your hearing aids from an audiologist, or from a hearing aid technician. An audiologist has a medical degree and specializes in hearing impairment. Meanwhile a hearing aid technician has a license to sell hearing aids. After you are fitted with the best hearing equipment for your hearing impairment, it might be fine to go to a hearing aid specialist, but for your initial consultation, it’s a good idea to seek care from an audiologist. Your audiologist will do extensive testing and help identify the best strategy for getting you the help you need.
  3. Recognize your priorities.

    There are assistive hearing devices to suit any lifestyle you have. If you want help hearing conversations on the phone, there are devices to help you. If you want to be able to hear a speaker that is delivery a speech from a stage, there are hearing devices for that. If you want to be able to hold a conversation in a coffee shop, there are hearing devices for that. In most cases, you won’t need all of those devices though. While your audiologist might be an expert on all things hearing, no one but you is an expert in your lifestyle and what needs your hearing impairment leaves you with. Taking account of what your needs are and what your priorities are will help you land the best hearing devices.

  4. Take them for a test drive.

    Sometimes you just don’t know how well the hearing devices will work for you until you see them in action. For the price you’ll pay for a good set of hearing aids, you should be able to wear them and see how they suit you before buying them.

    A good audiologist recognizes this and has disposable plugs on hand to allow you to try out your hearing aids. Keep in mind that a hearing aid doesn’t just magnify noise, you’ll need to have them calibrated to meet your hearing needs in order to truly test them out.

Do you have any other questions or comments about shopping for assistive hearing devices? Please share with us in the comment section below!

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