How to handle anger in the workplace

What should the nation do when the caretakers of this country succumb to the stress of their jobs? What do patients who need advice and care for mental and physical conditions do when their healthcare professionals are suffering from workplace stress and workplace exhaustion?

In a career where healthcare professionals are constantly on call, it should come as no surprise that there is currently a 35.2% overall burnout rate among U.S. physicians. And while patients expect their healthcare providers to be available when needed, the stress and long hours that these providers work can lead to a serious lack in work-life balance.

Job stress is not unique to the healthcare profession. In fact, in a time when technology allows many people to work whether they are in or out of the office, many jobs are far more stressful and time consuming than in the past. Recognizing stress burnout symptoms has become an important role of managers and company owners. Making sure that your top talent stays healthy, productive, and effective is a very important part of any leadership role.
What Do You Do to Make Sure That You Avoid Being Too Stressed at Work?

If you are not able to successfully manage the job stress that you encounter during the day, you leave yourself vulnerable to many problems. From getting sick to getting angry and from being less productive to being exhausted, work stress will steal the energy that you have for the tasks that require your focus. Fortunately, a growing number of companies are spending time helping their workers understand how to handle stress and relieve the anger that would otherwise steal employees’ productivity.
Consider some of these ways that workers find to help themselves deal with workplace stress, anger, and frustration:

  • Some of the ways that companies are helping their workers manage their job stress is to provide healthy foods at a workplace cafeteria. By allowing workers a fast, but tasty lunch, workers may be even more tempted to step away from their desks and connect with fellow employees away from the workplace.
  • The latest research indicates that 66% of both women and men say work has a significant impact on their levels of stress level. In addition, 25% of both women and men have called in sick or taken a ?mental health day? as a result of stress at the workplace.
  • Another strategy that many companies use is to provide onsite workout facilities or a stipend that can be used toward a membership at an athletic facility.
  • Yearly, workplace stress causes approximately one million U.S. employees to miss work each day.
  • Instead of sitting at the same desk all day, an increasing number of companies provide transitional work spaces allowing for a change of pace and a fresh outlook.
  • No person can deal with job stress alone. It is important to build a support system who can help when you need them.
  • Giving employees the recognition that they deserve can help them feels appreciated and ready for the next task.

  • Hospital employees have to make a special point of taking advantage of the few off hours and days that they get.
  • Everyone knows that it is important to disconnect yourself from technology when you are away from the office.
  • A chance to walk around the office or up and down a set of stairs can help you catch your breath and make sure that you get back to work more focused.
  • Looking after your own health helps you to stay relaxed and rest well when you need to.
  • To find yourself full of energy when you need to work, it is important to take advantage of the breaks you are given.
  • How was your last day at work?
  • You can find a way to get back to work if you give yourself the break that you need.

Making sure that you are STAYING HEALTHY on the job means that you are paying attention to your physical health, as well as mental and emotional health. Workers who know how to manage their stress are more productive and lead a happier life when they are at home away from work. Managers and leadership teams who find a way to help their workers manage stress have workers who are happy to come to work and full of energy for the daily tasks.

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