Your husband needs to have hernia surgery, but he is worried about how he will do overnight in the hospital without his CPAP supplies. He has a CPAP machine that is travel size, but he is still concerned that it will be difficult to manage with the other hospital tubes and medications that will be involved with the surgery process. You want to tell him that he is certainly not the first ever person who has had to deal with a CPAP machine while he is in the hospital, but you do not want to make him angry and add to the obvious stress that he is already feeling. You have told your husband that you will do all of the online research that you can and if you cannot find the answers you will call a couple of your friends who are nurses and get their advice.
Sleep apnea patients who use their continuous positive airway pressure machines (CPAP) understand the value of these supplies. From the full face masks to the Nasal pillow masks, after years of sleeping fitfully it is a relieve to finally get a good night’s rest. And while many of the CPAP supplies are simply a matter of preference, when patients find themselves in a situation when they cannot use their favorite full face masks, for instance, the stress is real.
Do You Have a Loved One Who Has Been Recently Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea?
Unfortunately, many people suffer from sleep apnea but are never diagnosed. In fact, statistics indicate that 2% to 4% of all Americans have an undiagnosed case of sleep apnea. This means that approximately one in 50 individuals are not diagnosed for a dangerous condition that puts them at risk when they are asleep, as well as leads to other serious complications like high blood pressure and anxiety. Undiagnosed cases of sleep apnea can also be a source of stress for spouses and partners. Wondering if your husband is suffering from sleep apnea can be an unsettling feeling.
Consider these facts and figures about the benefits of getting your sleep apnea diagnosed and treating it with a CPAP machine, full face masks, or other important accessories:
- Sleep apnea is almost twice as common in men as it is in women, and is a condition that means that a sufferer may experience as many as 60 apneas in an hour during a night of trying to rest.
- In addition to being exhausted, untreated sleep apnea sufferers are three times as likely to have heart disease. They are also four times as likely to have a stroke.
- Simply being diagnosed with sleep apnea and buying a CPAP machine, however, is not enough.
- Unfortunately, ss many as 80% of patients who say they use their CPAP machine do not actually use it enough to keep them safe.
- Patients should use their CPAP machine at least 70% of the time over a 30 day period, for at least four hours every night for the best results and to increase their chance of receiving full insurance coverage.
- Sleep apnea is a condition that is prevalent in as many as 18 million Americans, but it is a condition that can be easily treated by following the directions for using a CPAP machine and the supplies that are the most comfortable for the individual.