What started as a simple fall for anyone else has turned into a major health event for your mother’s husband. At the age of 96 no small is simple, but this one was actually an indicator of a small stroke and has left your mother’s partner with a lack of balance and weakened vision. Rehabilitation went well after the small stroke so he returned home within tow weeks. The speed of the apparent recovery, however, may have been a mistake. Less than three weeks after the initial stroke, the 96 year old fell two more times and has now been moved to a rehabilitation center until everyone involved is certain that he will be safe when he returns home.
From the oldest patients who are dealing with mobility issues that will no longer be addressed through surgery to the youngest athletes who are hoping for a successful bone graft delivery system to get them back on the playing filed as soon as possible, there are a number of services that today’s doctors and therapists provide.
Universal Graft Guns and Other Bone Repair Methods Help Patients Return to Their Normal Lives
Caused by injury, illness, or fall, there are a number of patients who look toward the latest bone graft delivery system technology to help them recover as much as possible. From the older patients who are looking to return home with the help of a mobility aid to the youngest of athletes who are looking forward to a complete recovery from a bone break, it is important to find the best medical resources who are available.
As many as 6.8 million Americans use assistive devices to aid their mobility, and it should come as no surprise that some of these patients are people who have had broken bones in the past. With the help of the latest bone graft technology, however, there is hope that a youth sports injury will not become a persistent problem in older age. And while no one can avoid the falls that occur from strokes and other related issues, there is hope that in the future the bone grafts that are completed will lead to fewer mobility issues. There are 38,600 surgeons that work in the U.S. today, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and many of them are working on techniques that will make both immediate recovery and long term side effects less troublesome.