Therapeutic deep tissue massage is being recognized as an complementary and alternative medical therapy that can help chronic pain sufferers as well as those suffering from tension and stress. Personal trainers, chiropractors, and health care professionals now refer clients to licensed massage therapists (LMT) for treatment for muscle and joint stabilization, increasing the range of motion and myofascial release. Many professional beauty salons also offer deep tissue massage along with other services like professional eyebrow tinting and facials.
What are the benefits of medical massage therapy?
Medical massage is being recognized as an alternative medical treatment for all kinds of conditions ranging from muscle aches and pains to chronic back pain. It helps patients recovering from accidents and injuries, and is used by athletes and sports teams to prevent injury and improve performance. Clients who undergo deep tissue massage therapy find that it helps to improve their overall physical and emotional well being.
As a result, many personal trainers, chiropractors, and medical professional refer their clients and patients for medical massage. As of July 2014, as many as 54 million Americans reported that they had discussed the health benefits of medical massage with their doctors and other health care providers during the previous year.
Health benefits of therapeutic massages
The benefits of massage therapy include greater physical and emotional well being. In many cases, it provides pain relief for chronic conditions like back pain, stiff joints, arthritis etc. As many as 92% of those who received therapeutic massage report that it reduces pain. Therapeutic massage is now classified as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
A survey of 1,007 hospitals by the American Hospital Association found that the great majority, or nearly 82%, now include CAM therapies such as massage therapy among their health care services. Massage therapy has many health benefits for seniors as well, helping to reduce chronic pain due to arthritis and other conditions. It also increases the range of motion, making its easier to carry out the activities of day to day living.
Stress relief and relaxation
Deep tissue massage has many applications in the fields of medicine and healthcare, but many people undergo the treatment for relaxation and rejuvenation. This is why many beauty salons now offer massage therapy alongside their other services like professional eyebrow tinting and facials. About a fourth or 23% of all people who get a massage do for stress relief and relaxation.
A massage session typically lasts between 15 minutes to an hour and a half. The exact time depends on the modalities used. Many studios and LMTs offer onsite workplace massage sessions as well.
As the benefits of therapeutic massage become more widely known, hospitals and healthcare professionals recommend it to patients as a complementary and alternative medicine treatment. Many beauty salons also offer deep tissue massage along with other beauty services like professional eyebrow tinting, facials, and waxing.