Imagine waking up every day with feelings of nervousness, fear or even panic. Sometimes these feeling are too overwhelming to even allow you to leave the house. These are a few symptoms of anxiety disorders and, sadly, many people did not need to imagine anything. That is the reality of their daily existence. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem is the United States, but roughly 33% of those who have one are not receiving treatment. To help identify those who are out there self diagnose or for loved ones to recognize the symptoms in someone they know, here are descriptions of the four primary types of anxiety disorders, followed an overview of what can be done to help individuals lead a happier and healthier life.
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: This is characterized by constant fears and worries about unlikely or even irrational issues and possibilities. There is no trigger necessary to spark these feelings, this type of anxiety disorder can exist independently of any motivating force.
- Panic Disorder: in this manifestation, an individual will experience sensations of terror spontaneously. This can be a result of a trigger, although it is not a requirement. People with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder often manifest a panic disorder as part of their mental illness. The symptoms of panic disorders can feel unnervingly akin to a heart attack, or even choking.
- Social Anxiety Disorder: Individuals with this form of anxiety feel overwhelming worry about the way they are perceived by others, and have a distinct fear of being judged by other people.
- Specific Phobias: This type is characterized by an irrational fear of a specific object or circumstance. This fear can cause a person to completely alter their daily life in order to avoid the source of their fear. Famous examples are spiders, clowns, being buried alive and flying.
Those suffering with these uncontrollable feelings, and the resulting side effects, which can include headaches or insomnia, do not need to remain locked within these sensations. Seek help from a trained mental health professional, and additionally there are natural health centers. In such places a person can receive natural remedies for insomnia and anxiety and learn about diet practices to assist them as well, all with the goal of leading a healthier life.