Sports are one of the most reliable ways of getting students fit, social, and motivated. Is it any wonder why technology always looks for ways to improve such a strong foundation?
Back in the day it was pretty amazing seeing maintenance technology able to clean entire stages in a matter of hours. Now retractable stages are making their way to the forefront. Both convenient and highly accessible, these indoor retractable gyms give you more flexibility than ever before. These can be useful for teachers starting out in physical education or a team that needs a place to practice in a new location. No matter what you need to bring out the best in your students, there’s a handy tool available.
What do retractable stages look like and how do they work? Read below to learn about who’s using this handy form of stadium seating.
Let’s take a look at what some of today’s high school stadiums are dealing with. According to industry estimates, there are 10 Texas high school football stadiums with a seating capacity of 16,500 or greater. When it comes to the total, the wide seating capacity is nearly 4,500,000. That doesn’t even scratch the surface of the number of stadiums, which is sitting pretty at 1,250. Retractable stages offers a little wiggle room in the busy lives of gym teachers and coaches.
Sometimes a stadium is down for renovation. Other times the stadium isn’t quite large enough for the eventual turnout. When in doubt, retractable stages will have your back. One of today’s most impressive stadiums today is the Williams Brice Stadium in South Carolina, able to sit 80,000 fans and regularly hitting maximum capacity. Previously, the Gamecocks chose to play at the stadium formerly known as the Carolina Municipal Stadium, hitting a maximum capacity of 17,000 to start with.
Stages have to go through a lot of day-to-day maintenance, even when they’re not in current use. Weather can erode them, leaving metal parts to rust and damaging color. Failing to double-check the bleachers for signs of damage can leave some very disgruntled fans. What makes retractable stages so useful is how they give you an extra option when all else falls through. You can still get to that highly anticipated game…while still giving old equipment a breather.
While the American educational system is going through several overhauls, sports still hold a special place in the hearts of many. Millions of families flock to high schools to witness their children compete in countless competitions and performances. A proper set of bleachers should be clean, sturdy, and organized. When your school finds itself in the unenviable position of needing to polish up the place, pull out the retractable stages. These easily adjustable accessories can be tweaked as needed to fill in the gap.
Do you need a few extra rows to accommodate a higher volume of attendees than normal? Does a certain part of the gymnasium need surprise cleaning before the event? Retractable stages come in several varieties, such as fixed seating and portable bleachers. Outdoor aluminum bleachers are explicitly designed to weather changes in temperature and hold sturdy against the rain. Anything less would just give you another problem to deal with.
Help students be the best they can be. Accommodate them with retractable stages that are comfortable, convenient, and cost-effective.