Have you or someone you know been recently diagnosed with uterine fibroids? You may be surprised to hear that this is not an uncommon diagnosis. In fact, uterine fibroids occur in nearly 50% of all women and are a leading cause of hysterectomies in the United States. The good news is that science is always on the move in the search for better uterine fibroids treatment options. Here are some treatment options you should be aware of:
1. Standard Surgery – Uterine fibroids are usually diagnosed by pelvic exam and/or ultrasound, and the surgery to remove a woman’s uterus, known as a hysterectomy, is the most common surgical procedure for their removal. A uterine fibroids surgery like a hysterectomy is usually thought of as the last option for patients – especially those who are young and have a desire to have children in the future. The good news is that there are other uterine fibroid treatments available to women today that were not around decades ago. Keep reading to find out more.
2. Medicine – Some doctors will prescribe various medicines to help control fibroid-related symptoms. Some of the most effective medications when it comes to uterine fibroids treatment options are: gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists like Lupron, Synarel, and Zoladex. Ask your doctor if you are interested in taking medication for your uterine fibroids so that you can avoid potential surgery.
3. New Medical Techniques – One of the more recent advances in uterine fibroids treatment options is an outpatient surgery known as Acessaâ„¢. Women that elect to have this surgery can typically go home in a matter of several hours after the surgery, and are able to return to their normal activities in anywhere from 5 to 9 days. Another relatively new fibroid tumor treatment is called MR guided focused ultrasound, and it treats the fibroid by heating it up to between 149 and 185 degrees which causes the tumor to die. MR guided focused ultrasound is completely noninvasive and does not affect surrounding tissue or organs.
As you can probably imagine, uterine fibroids treatment options will vary from patient to patient. Some of the variables that determine that variance are: the size and location of the fibroids, age, the patient’s desire to have children in the future, and the patient’s overall health. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with uterine fibroids just remember that there are treatment options out there ranging from standard surgery to medications and new medical techniques. Find the right option for you!