Did you know Bayer A.G. was the first to officially synthesize heroin (then called diamorphine) in 1874? Of course, they had truly believed that what they had on their hands was a scientific breakthrough, a new medicine that would be able to cure a number of ailments. Flash forward to 2017, and the problems opiate addiction and it’s close counterparts (oxycontin addiction, methadone addiction, etc.) are a serious problem.
Three years ago in 2014, there were over 47,000 cases of fatal drug overdoses. To put that number into perspective, that same year just over 29,000 people died from a motor vehicle accident. Drug addiction can be more dangerous than a car accident. If you or someone you know has as opiate addiction, here’s a promising new treatment to look into further. It is known as ibogaine therapy.
Why Have I Never Heard of This Promising New Treatment?
Ibogaine therapy is not like the therapy offered at drug treatment clinics and programs, but more on that later. Ibogaine therapy is created using a plant that is indigenous to Africa. It is available no where else. The issue with the treatment is that is it still relatively new. It’s main ingredient is only available from a foreign country. These tidbits should not matter, and yet they do.
Ibogaine therapy is known as a Schedule I drug. This means that it has not been tested as rigorously by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as other treatment options have been. The reason why deals with why ibogaine therapy helps opiate addicts as no other treatment can, and many people find it controversial.
What’s So Controversial About This Ibogaine Therapy?
To be frank, it is a psychoactive substance. At times, consumers of the shrub may find themselves experiencing mild hallucinations or other symptoms associated with psychoactive substances. Clearly, then, it is essential that taking this as medicine or therapy be done under the direct supervision of a doctor experienced in these matters.
The reason why ibogaine therapy is so promising is because of how it drastically reduces symptoms of withdrawals. Coming off of opiates, especially if one has been using them regularly for some time, can be down right unpleasant at best, and a personal hell at worst. Patients experience shaking, cold sweats, nausea, headaches, and muscle pain. Taking ibogaine in a controlled environment has been indicated to drastically reduce these side effects in many cases.
Where Could Someone Receive Ibogaine Therapy If It’s Not Available In the U.S.?
Even though many cases have indicated that taking ibogaine has reduced withdrawal symptoms, the F.D.A. has not found the same success with this drug. However, if someone was interested, whether for themselves or a family member or friend, they would find that ibogaine therapy is available outside of the U.S.
These clinics advertise their therapy measures as a way for the addicted to take care of their addiction without everyone necessarily knowing what’s going on. In many cases, going away is spun as a vacation, not a stay in a drug clinic. For those readers who are embarrassed about admitting their problem to friends and family, know that there is a way around a big reveal.
Don’t let opiate addiction destroy your life. Get help now, and don’t waste another moment of your life suffering. There is a better way to kick your addiction once and for all. Look into ibogaine therapy today, and live a cleaner, better tomorrow.