Depression can be a very powerful disease that requires regulation and medication for a person to feel stable and healthy. It also can be great for anyone that has an addiction or needs drug treatment. Here are five facts about Ibogaine and why it may be ideal for opiate addiction, depression, or for detoxing.
- In Mexico as of 2009 Ibogaine is not regulated.
- In the country of Mexico, more than 460,000 people are addicted to some form of a drug.
- For some people that are dealing with addiction, Ibogaine treatments are able to reduce cravings after heavy drug usage within 72 to 96 hours. Ibogaine for depression can also help with the withdrawals.
- There are very few mainstream treatment options for anyone that has an addiction to a stimulant. This information was collected as of 2014. Ibogaine for depression can help with the painful symptoms.
- OxyContin has been a heavily used drug to the point where 11 million people living in the U.S. have abused OxyContin for nonmedical reasons according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Getting Treatment
In order to get treatment for a wide variety of addictions, a person must first determine whether or not an Ibogaine treatment center is going to be the best option. Many of these treatment centers are great at making sure that all of the proper drug treatment is properly administered. Due to the fact that relapsing is at a high risk, it is always recommended that patients take their time and go through the proper treatment centers or an Ibogaine clinic.
Dangers and the History of Drugs
Illegal drugs are very dangerous and they can have horrible effects on a person that is struggling with addiction.
- What is very interesting is that heroin was first synthesized in 1874 by the huge manufacturer called Bayer.
- Also cocaine which is a very powerful stimulant for the central nervous system can have effects that last from 15 minutes up to an hour.
- Marijuana is also a commonly used drug in the country of Mexico. Mexican men tend to use marijuana, but they also use cocaine.
- Oxycodone is also been used for medical treatment for anyone dealing with pain, however a current wave of problems has evolved over the last 10 years with opiate addiction.
Dealing with an addiction can be a difficult problem, but if the right Ibogaine addiction treatment center can help, then it is well worth it. Ibogaine is great for depression and it also has benefits for opiate addiction as well. It is recommended that anyone looking for a different type of treatment, start researching more information about Ibogaine therapy or Ibogaine for depression, because this may be exactly what you are looking for.