Dreaming of a Better Time
You dreamed last night of a childhood friend Shawn. He is a friend who passed away a couple of years ago, and it was pretty shocking to you when you found that out.
In your dream, you were visiting him at a lake house. In the beginning of the dream, you were an adult and you were going to see the house so you could purchase it. As soon as you saw your childhood friend, however, you were eight years old again as was your friend, and the two of you sat together on a sofa and played one of the oldest videos games, pong.
In the dream your friend seemed happy and comfortably settled in his new life, and the two of you laughed frequently while you enjoyed playing the game. Minutes later you were playing a vigorous game of chase on the neighborhood playground.
You hope the happy place in your dream is where your friend truly is. If heaven really is being eight years old again with little to care about other than old video games and watching the water from your back deck, you have a greater hope for your lost friend.
Looking for a Positive Away to Approach the First Months of 2021
The week after Christmas, when many of us are so often looking forward to turning the page on a new year and starting fresh, looks a little bit different this year. From parents looking for a safe indoor playground for kids to teachers preparing for the start of another semester of hybrid learning, the Coronavirus pandemic has created many changes.
Even the memories of old classmates will be different as so many funerals have been limited to immediate family members only. Finding a way to navigate these first months of the new year while the vaccine for the pandemic is just starting to roll out is a challenge that everyone faces. Commercial indoor playground for kids that was once equipment that would see a to of use during the winter months is now roped off in most parts of the country as parents search for even a few hours a day when it might be warm enough to get their children outside to safer playground kits.
Managing the pandemic while still keeping kids active has been a major challenge. And while the first semester is full of warmer weather, the beginning of the second semester, in most parts of the country, is not. For this reason physical education teachers are doing everything within their power to teach parents how to adapt their own homes and large garage spaces to create an indoor playground for kids that will allow these children to get the movement that their young and growing bodies need.
It certainly should come as no surprise that studies continue to show that it is very important for children to have regular opportunities for a variety of gross motor activities, and children who do not get this interaction in their first six years will face a lifetime of limited brain power. Unfortunately, a mere 33% of children reach the Sports and Fitness Industry Association’s classification of “active to a healthy level.” Reaching this level requires just 25 minutes of high-calorie-burning physical activity three times a week, but this is not a benchmark that the majority of children meet. Faced with limited or no access to an indoor playground for kids, many parents are going to have to work extra hard during these first months of 2021 to make sure their children are getting the activity they need.
The arrival of warmer, spring weather means that more people will have been vaccinated and that playing outside will again be an option. Until that time, however, patents, educators, and doctors alike will need to continue to look for ways to create safer and more active practices for. the children of this country. Whether you are dreaming of your childhood days that were more carefree or you are looking for ways to get your own children outside, it is important to remember that better days are ahead of us. Will you be ready?