Pregnancy is an important part of womens health practices. Though pregnancy is often a magical and very exciting time as you prepare to bring a new life into the world – into your world – it is also a time where medical supervision by OBGYN specialists is recommended and, in the case of a complication, even required.
Many women also consult with a doctor that specializes in womens health and womens health care during the period that they are trying to get pregnant. For a woman between the ages of twenty to twenty four, conceiving is typically not a problem, barring other reproductive issues, as this is the period that women tend to be the most fertile. However, more and more women are choosing to delay having children until later on in life. And though having children at or after the age of thirty five is very common now (whereas even just ten years ago it was not seen nearly as much), it is far more likely that these older women will struggle to get pregnant easily and without medical assistance. Many of these problems and others can be handled by a womens health specialist and other such medical professionals.
Fertility is certainly not an uncommon womens health problem that is seen by gynecology professionals all throughout the country. But the fact of the matter is also that many people are simply not aware of what is normal and what is not when it comes to human reproduction. In fact, it is perfectly normal for a healthy and fertile couple to take as long as a year to conceive naturally. Statistics back this up, showing that healthy couple between the ages of twenty nine to as old as thirty three have as much as a twenty five percent chance of conceiving each month if they are not using any forms or methods of birth control or protection. This means that even in young and healthy couples, conception when wanted does not always happen right away. However, if it has been more than a year and you have not conceived, your gynecologist is likely to refer you to a womens health specialists such as a fertility doctor near you.
Much of fertility has to do with age, as any womens health specialist can tell you. Though the most fertile period of a woman’s life typically ends after the age of twenty four, fertility doesn’t start to decline until the age of thirty. Women who are thirty or older may start to experience some difficulties with conceiving and getting pregnant, but they are still likely to be able to do so without the intervention of a fertility or womens health specialist. However, after the age of thirty five conception becomes considerably more difficult and by the time a woman reaches the age of forty, natural conception without the aid of fertility treatments like medications or even IVF, less than half of those who desire to get pregnant and carry a baby to term will be able to do so.
Fortunately, there are a wide variety of fertility treatments available to those who cannot conceive naturally for whatever reason. In fact, seeking out these fertility treatments is not at all an uncommon phenomenon and nearly half of all women who have been diagnosed with a condition causing infertility or simply infertility itself (as not all infertility has a clear cause) will seek out medical treatments to assist them in conceiving and having a child. These fertility methods range from drugs like Clomid, which can cause ovulation (a key factor in getting pregnant and something that many infertile women do not go through naturally for whatever reason) to going through procedures like in vitro fertilization. Statistics show that these fertility methods are relatively successful, with more than sixty percent of all women who undergo them later able to have a baby.
It’s important to know, however, that according to womens health experts it is totally normal for a healthy couple to take as long as a year to conceive. If it takes longer than that and the couple still wants a child, the consult of a fertility specialist is often recommended.