Being tested for a sexually transmitted disease can be a scary thing. While no one wants to be told they have an STD, it is imperative that we eliminate the stigma of being tested, both for our own health and the health of our sexual partners. STD testing clinics exist for this very reason, and many family care physicians would tell you how important it is to know for certain your status.
While you may notice symptoms, most people are unaware that anything is wrong before they are tested. It is completely acceptable to go to an emergency room if you have symptoms that present an immediate concern. However, do be aware that between just 2003 and 2009, one survey found that the standard wait time in the average emergency room increased from 46.5 minutes to 58.1 minutes. You might have a shorter wait time at an actual STD testing clinic. Also, the average ER visitor pays between $615 to $1,318, according to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.
At this point you might be wondering about STD testing procedure. While fast STD testing is the norm for many sexual diseases, others may be more involved. Simply put, it depends on what test is administered. For example, if a person’s symptoms have progressed to the point that they have open sores, the physician will swab the tissues for secretions and test that. It is critical to note that you must ask for the tests to be administered; the physician will not conduct any test with out your approval. The most requested tests are for: syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, HIV, and trichomoniasis.
STD testing centers recommend that a person be tested for a sexually transmitted disease shortly after they have had unprotected sex with a partner. In this case, unprotected means without a condom, whether for males or females, and includes vaginal, anal, and oral. It is also cautioned that being in a long term relationship is not a fail-safe; make sure you and your partner are tested clean before having unprotected sex.
People generally do not like to talk about sex, especially the sex they are having. We all know that safe sex is important, but it is also important to remove the embarrassment of talking about safe sex. STD testing clinics are available if you or someone you know has an accident, and needs peace of mind.