When you’re suffering with a lingering cold, flu, persistent rash, or chronic pain, you probably realize it’s time to seek medical help. While some people may postpone seeking medical attention for a variety of reasons, it’s important to do so to protect your health and well-being.
Rather than going to the emergency room, however, you may decide to look for the nearest urgent care clinic for assistance. You are probably aware that there are top doctors providing clinic care at these facilities.
Are you experiencing lower back pain? Recent surveys show that approximately 69% of people in the United States deal with this every day. While some attempt to relieve this pain with exercise, others seek different types of treatment, including pain medication and physical therapy. It’s interesting to note, however, that nearly half of the people that experience chronic back pain don’t seek treatment.
Do you experience dizziness on a regular basis? On occasion? Doctors report that this is a common complaint. If you’re 60 or older, you may experience a loss of balance on a daily basis, which can be disconcerting. It’s important to seek clinic care when you experience dizziness or a loss of balance. In addition to ruling out a variety of issues, it’s possible that you may have a sinus or ear infection.
If you’ve fallen and sustained an injury, such as an ankle sprain, you may also want to go to a medical clinic. On a daily basis, around 25,000 people in the United States sprain their ankles. Over 80% of these injuries occur when the ankle is rolled inward, and it can be quite painful. Rather than suffer with an injury of this type, it’s important to seek medical help to determine that you haven’t sustained additional injuries.
These and other health issues and concerns can be treated at a local urgent care facility. If you are experiencing a chronic condition that interferes with your daily life, or are suffering with the flu or an upper respiratory infection, it’s important to seek medical care as soon as possible. When the best doctors are available at local walk-in clinics, why postpone seeking medical attention?