Boys have higher chances of suffering from adenoidectomy than girls. The adenoid is a tissue lump that grows at the back of the nose near the tonsils. A doctor can use a mirror, camera or an x-ray to view the lump. Basically, adenoid is a lymph node that helps to fight infections in the nose and throat. However, this node can be affected and can lead to conditions known as adenoiditis and adenoid hypertrophy.
So, What is Adenoid Hypertrophy?
Adenoid hypertrophy is an unusual growth of the adenoid tonsils and it’s a common condition in children. Some of its symptoms include sleep-disordered breathing, breathing difficulties, swallowing difficulties, nasal congestion, speech anomalies, and chronic otitis media. It can be present at birth but it stays invisible until the age of 3 to 6 months. If not treated, it can grow until the age of 6 and then involute through adulthood.
And What is Adenoiditis?
Sometimes, the adenoid tonsils get infected and this infection can last for weeks or even months. This is known as adenoiditis. This can lead to prolonged nasal infections that are characterized by yellow or green mucus. If let untreated, this can advance to chronic inflammation of the sinuses. Children with this condition are prone to other congenital abnormalities of the ear such as otitis media. Doctors can prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection, but if they fail, surgery may be recommended.
When is Surgery Necessary?
If adenoiditis and adenoid hypertrophy are recurring or fail to respond to medication, the doctor may recommend an endoscopic sinus surgery known as adenoidectomy. The reasons for the surgery may include recurrent infections, difficulty breathing, and obstructive sleep apnea. Having a child undergo a surgical operation is especially important when the infections lead to ear and sinus infections. A severely swollen adenoid can interfere with the function of the eustachian tubes resulting in hearing loss and middle ear fluid.
An infected adenoid tissue can be surgically removed without removing the tonsils and this is common in young children. Therefore, if you child has adenoiditis and adenoid hypertrophy, it is essential to seek medical early enough before it worsens. In some cases, you can wait for adenoid hypertrophy to involute and the child will be will. But still, regular visits to the doctor helps to monitor the prognosis of the condition. That way, early measures can be taken should there be an indication of the condition getting worse.