So, what’s the most effective drug treatment? When you have a busy schedule, children to attend to and a social life to maintain, seeking out the most thorough addiction treatment will be at the forefront of your mind. Chronic addiction can affect your ability to hold down a job, maintain healthy relationships and further your career. Some attend counseling sessions for months while others seek out avante garde and natural herbal solutions. Rest easy knowing that there’s a quick and reliable solution to your problems — ibogaine drug treatment is quickly rising to the top as the go-to option for addicted people on a time schedule. It uses a combination of highly advanced chemicals to cancel out your body’s withdrawal symptoms and provide you with long-term solutions.
Drug Usage In The West
Addiction is when your body faces withdrawals from a substance, either addictive or non-addictive. This can include, but is not limited to — alcohol, meth, cocaine, over-the-counter medications, ecstacy and opium. These can be taken by mouth or with tranquilizers, the latter of which can additionally contribute to the spread of STDs and other illnesses. It’s thought over 100 people die every day due to drug overdoses, with this rate having tripled in the past 20 years. A significant portion of people with an addiction also struggle with mental illness.
Alcoholism And Dependency
Let’s start off with one of the most common addictions in the West. Studies conducted in recent years have seen an estimated 130 million individuals drinking alcohol on a regular basis, though only a small amount actually sign up for addiction treatment sessions. Over 90% of those that developed alcoholism (alongside smoking or other illicit drugs) had begun before the age of 18. One reason alcoholism is more common than other addictions is due to its accessibility and cheap price.
Heroin And Meth
Meth, also known as methadone, was first synthesized in Germany back in the 1930’s. Heroin, on the other hand, arrived much earlier and is still considered one of the most easily abused and addictive drugs. Also known as diamorphine, it was first synthesized in the late 1800’s as a product of Bayer A.G. Meth was originally used in the 1960’s as a weight-loss aid and has since become a common addiction for many. The majority of people first start using drugs when they are teenagers, with an estimated 7,000 new users every single day.
Mental Illness
Mental illness is one of the leading contributing factors of addiction, though not the only one. Long-term conditions like chronic depression, chronic anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder can affect a person’s ability to cope with day-to-day issues and influence them to turn to drugs in order to manage. Drug dependency, however, does nothing but exacerbate pre-existing mental illness and can compound effects such as agitation, poor sleeping patterns, physical health, concentration issues, mood swings and panic attacks.
Ibogaine Treatment
What makes an ibogaine detox one of the most effective addiction treatment programs around? While attending monthly therapy sessions has yielded solid results, many just don’t have the time to squeeze them into their busy schedule. Ibogaine is used to drastically reduce cravings for stimulants and has proven remarkably effective at curbing alcoholism and drug dependency. Studies have shown ibogaine consistently obviating at an upwards of 98% of withdrawal symptoms, with long-term effects being seen in a mere few sessions. If you’re looking for a reliable solution to your addiction, visit an ibogaine clinic and see how they can turn your life around.