Assisted living residences are typically for elderly people who don’t quite need the level of care and attention of nurse homes, but need some assistance living in their day-to-day life. They also provide companionship for people that might otherwise be living all alone. While assisted living homes vary from place to place, here are three qualities virtually all of them share.
1.) Everyday Services: Assisted living residences focus on a philosophy of care and service that promote dignity and independence. They will help each individual as much, or little as they need depending on their situation. Help with personal hygiene, meals, and medication administration are just some of the more common service you can expect to see in assisted living programs.
2.) Luxury Amenities: Overall, assisted living residences have come a long way in recent years. Many have completely modernized their facilities and some even include things like wi-fi and computer classes. They have libraries, fitness centers, and beauty parlors. Most offer a variety of different classes like Zumba, yoga, pottery, guest lectures, concerts, and even dance mixers! Even pet-store facilities and groomers are becoming increasingly popular at certain locations.
3.) Events and Travel: A lot of assisted living residences offer programs that include special events and even travel excursions. Anything from bingo night and horseshoe tournaments to zip-trips to New York City to catch a Broadway show. The choices and specifics vary greatly depending on the residence, but they virtually all provide a plethora of options to keep the seniors that live there up and active.
While it is difficult for many people to think about putting their parents and loved ones in a “home” of any kind where they will be taken care of by strangers, these facilities are becoming incredibly reputable and popular. With approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day the demand for these types of services will only grow for the foreseeable future.