A healthy mind is the basis of a healthy life. After all, a sad soul is arguably as lethal as a germ. However, living a good life comes with its fair share of sacrifices. Your wellness checklist should include things that build wholesomely. Ultimately, a healthy you on the outside starts with a healthy you on the inside.
Are you wondering what to incorporate into your good life wellness checklist? The wellness journey is a sum of multiple concerted holistic actions. Achieving wellness entails paying attention to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Most times, it starts with the small things that most people overlook. Here, you’ll learn some tried and tested solutions to a better you.
1. Purchase an Electric Bike for Regular Exercise
The WHO reveals that exercise is the best tribute to your heart. What better way to offer tribute to your heart than to cycle? Cycling is one of the easiest yet most rewarding ways to get your body to release happiness hormones. The fact that you get to exercise while still exploring and experiencing nature makes this a top option in your good life wellness checklist.
An electric bike makes cycling fun and adds to the thrill. With this option, you can cycle further and faster, which leads to a longer life. One of the best wellness decisions you can ever make is to consider an electric bike. E-bikes make navigating hills and rough terrains easy. You can manage longer distances or even consider hiking with an electric bike.
Part of your wellness journey should involve interacting with the outdoors. An electric bike lets you fully engage with nature as you explore the surroundings and pump life into your heart. The best part is that you could also get into deep meditation or listen to good music while still riding. All you need to do is check various listings for electric bikes for sale and begin this incredible healing journey.
On average, entry-level electric bikes cost around $1,000. You could, however, get an e-bike at a much higher or lower cost, depending on various underlying factors. Some key factors to consider when shopping for an electric bike include the size, weight, safety, and maintenance. Purchasing an e-bike could be the best decision you’ll ever make in your wellness journey.
2. Schedule Regular Dental Cleanings
According to the University of Illinois, at least 95% of Americans say oral health is essential for overall well-being. Recent studies also suggest that a white smile helps improve overall mood. Your teeth are at the core of your overall wellness. Therefore, regular dental cleanings should top the list of your good life wellness checklist.
When you have recurrent dental concerns, the pain causes distress, and you also incur incredibly high costs in dental care. Nothing causes more discomfort than toothache. You can’t eat, talk, or sleep in peace. Constant dental health issues often result from a poor tooth cleaning routine. However, a better dental cleaning regimen could significantly improve your wellness journey.
A recent survey by Healthy People identified oral health as one of the top ten leading health indicators in the United States. The research links good oral health to improved human relationships and enhanced communication. The good news is a visit to the dentist at least once every six months for comprehensive professional tooth cleaning services, which helps deal with tooth decay, gum disease, and other related oral health concerns. Besides improving your wellness, regular teeth cleaning helps you save money in the long run.
3. Investigate Different Cosmetic Dental Options
According to Forbes, a smile has everything to do with what you feel about yourself and other people’s perception of you. The study shows that people with crooked or missing teeth generally struggle with self-esteem and have poor human relations. After all, the smile is the first thing people notice when interacting with you. In your living, the good life wellness checklist, a cosmetic dental procedure should top the list of priorities.
A missing tooth, misaligned dental structures, and other dental issues could often cause social phobia and low self-esteem. Such matters can significantly limit your ability to live the good life or experience wellness. Luckily, various cosmetic dental options help you regain your oral health and get a contagious smile. You only need to schedule a visit to a cosmetic dentistry services provider.
Porcelain veneers are among the most common cosmetic procedures. They are the perfect solution to chipped, cracked, or spaces between teeth. These thin shells are an effective solution for getting your smile back and enhancing your wellness journey.
Yet another great cosmetic dental procedure is dental implants. Dental implants are permanent pieces of metal teeth used to resolve instances of missing teeth. Similarly, if you have poorly shaped teeth, consider shaping. It’s among the most accessible dental procedures that correct your teeth and improve your appearance and overall confidence.
Go a mile further and include dental bonding in your living the good life wellness checklist. Bonding procedures are an ideal dental solution for broken, chipped, or stained teeth. It will boost your facial appearance.
4. Check Your Basement for Dangerous Mold and Water Damage
Part of your wellness journey involves taking control of the air you breathe at home. Mold toxicity is a health concern that could affect your family’s health and overall wellness. Some of the most common symptoms of mold toxicity include cognitive difficulties such as brain fog, nasal congestion, wheezing, coughs, throat irritation, headaches, and skin irritation.
Mostly, dangerous mold could accumulate in your basement due to excess moisture and water leakages. Unfortunately, mold can stay for long periods undetected, presenting a significant risk for homeowners who rarely take time to inspect their homes. If you live in a space with high mold toxicity, the least you can do is consider an urgent inspection.
Whether you call in an expert or consider DIY, a comprehensive checkup in your basement should be at the top of your living the good life wellness checklist. A wet basement service can carefully assess the basement for the possibility of dangerous mold and water damage and provide solutions to help improve your home’s condition. You’ll be surprised at how much better your life will be with a clean basement.
5. Remove Clutter You No Longer Need
People who live in cluttered spaces are twice as likely to feel stressed, anxious, and depressed. A recent study by the News GP Organization revealed that the stress hormone cortisol was high in mothers living in highly cluttered homes. A cluttered space can trigger physical and psychological changes in the body’s functions. The long-term effect of such exposure is often lower quality of life
Your wellness journey should involve living in a conducive and neat environment. Your first task towards living a fulfilling life is to clean your living spaces. Most of the clutter in your home is either outdated or less frequently used. Trash removal helps clear more space, allows better air circulation, and ensures more effortless movement. Sometimes, the little things you ignore could make all the difference in improving your wellness. Yes, start with the atomic habits.
Trash removal is a great place to start if you want a long, good life. Spaces like Your bedroom, kitchen, study, and living rooms, where you frequent and spend most of your time, should be trash-free. You may decide to sell or donate some of your unused stuff. You feel in control and boost your self-esteem significantly when organized. Ultimately, your lifestyle and well-being also improve, which is a recipe for enhanced wellness.
6. Assess the Status of Your HVAC System
Poor air quality is a common cause of respiratory illnesses in most homes. When the air quality is poor, your wellness is also at stake. Ensuring your HVAC system is in good shape is a step towards improving your overall health. Therefore, your Living the Good Life wellness checklist should include an appointment with an HVAC specialist. An HVAC system is delicate and requires expert inspection as opposed to trying out DIY solutions.
A well-functioning HVAC system improves overall air quality and makes your home warm and cozy. It also enhances your breathing and minimizes the risk of respiratory illness. A local HVAC company can help assess your HVAC system and ensure it’s in optimal functionality. It’s essential to ensure that you evaluate the status of your HVAC system more so during extreme weather conditions.
Remember, moisture in your house can lead to mold accumulation on your sidings. The likelihood of mold accumulation doubles when the HVAC system isn’t fully functional. Such issues eventually lead to poor sleep quality and lower wellness levels. Assessing your home’s HVAC system helps address these concerns and dramatically improves your health.
7. Clean Your Ducts Regularly
Your home’s ducts act as conduits or air passages in and out of the HVAC system. When your HVAC is operating optimally, but your ducts are faulty, you risk experiencing a recurrence of health issues. The main suspects of defective air conditioning systems are failure to clean the ducts and the buildup of contaminants.
Your wellness depends majorly on quality sleep. When the air you breathe has contaminants such as dead skin cells, mold, or pollen, your sleep quality and general wellness could be at stake. Regular cleaning of your ducts ensures that the air you breathe in and out is free from contaminants.
An appointment with a duct cleaning service provider should be part of your living the good life wellness checklist. Besides helping you improve your home’s energy efficiency, regular cleaning enhances your wellness, which is at the core of long life. Duct cleaning is, therefore, a priority in your good life wellness checklist.
8. Replace Your Carpets with Hardwood to Avoid Allergens
Carpets are an excellent accessory in your home. However, the amount of dirt and dust hidden under carpets can be a significant health hazard. Despite your efforts, a carpet can never be spotless. As such, a carpet can trap pollen allergies for a long, causing allergic reactions to everyone in your household. Considering all these issues associated with the accumulation of allergens, ditching carpets may be a great idea.
Conversely, hardwood is a sure choice when considering health and wellness. Hardwood is easy to clean and vacuum, which helps keep your home allergen-free. While the initial cost of hardwood floors is high, the long-term benefit for your health and wellness is unmatched. Did you know installing hardwood floors allows you to recoup the installation cost with profits during resale? According to the National Association of Realtors, hardwood floors have a 147% ROI.
Compared to carpets, hardwood floors transform your home into a classy setting. You, therefore, enjoy improved air quality and pristine flooring all in one package. Hardwood flooring should be a priority in your Living the Good Life wellness checklist.
9. Soften Your Water to Help Your Skin
Your skin says a lot about your inner health. People with good skin tend to be happier. Wellness involves feeling good about yourself and how you look. According to the National Eczema Association, hard water impacts Eczema symptoms negatively and introduces atopic skin conditions.
Water softening is the first and most crucial step towards getting your desired soft, glowing skin. Softening helps treat water off the calcium and magnesium common in hard water. Minimizing the presence of minerals in the water ensures you don’t clog your skin pores, keeping your skin hydrated and glowing. If your good life wellness checklist includes achieving well-hydrated skin, consider water softening.
10. Send Flowers to Someone Who Is Sick
It feels lovely when you receive flowers in times of sickness. Flowers reaffirm that your loved ones are thinking about you and wish you the earliest recovery. Share the feeling by sending flowers to loved ones when the situation flips. Remember, giving is more fulfilling than receiving (yes, it’s in the holy book). The feeling that you have made someone happy is indelible.
One of the best ways to improve your overall wellness should be to buy get well flowers for your sick loved ones. The symbolism in flowers is immense, given that they embody love and the fullness of life. When you gift your loved ones with flowers, you give them the courage to fight despite their illness. One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to make others feel good. Therefore, your good life wellness checklist should include a purposed life of service to others.
Most people live through life trying to find happiness and fulfillment. Your emotional, physical, and mental well-being depends greatly on the little things you may overlook. Your living conditions, health, and relationship with loved ones negatively affect your well-being. Therefore, you must include these small habits in your good life wellness checklist to ensure you live your best life.