Image is everything. At least that is how it seems. And if you are someone who has spent a lifetime dealing acne, spider veins, or other kinds of skin issues then you definitely understand the stress that is involved with these conditions. Finding the right cosmetic dermatologist, in fact, can be a life changing event. In some cases, a surgical dermatology clinic can give you the confidence you need to make sure that you are looking your best. From spider vein therapy to help with acne, there are many times when pediatric dermatologists and surgical dermatology clinics can help people look and feel better than they ever have before.
In addition to the many cosmetic issues that some Americans have, skin cancer is a growing problem for many as well. Did you know, for instance, that an estimated 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer every day? In fact, there are more than 1 million Americans who are living with melanoma, and current estimates are that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.
Skin Problems Can Keep You from Looking and Feeling Your Best
As an indication of just how serious we are about how we look, consider this fact: the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that Americans spent more than $15 billion in 2016 on combined surgical and nonsurgical aesthetic procedures for the first time ever. This statistic represented an 11% increase from the past year. If you are someone who is concerned about how your skin looks, then, you are not alone. What can help you stand out, however, is if you invest the time and the money in working with a skincare professional who can help you remedy the condition that you are dealing with. And while some of our concerns may be purely cosmetic, it is important to know that there are also conditions that require immediate medical attention if you want to avoid further complications in the future.
As more and more Americans work to make certain that their image is the way that they want, it should come as no surprise that employment of skincare specialists is projected to grow 14% from the year 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all other occupations.