Our feet get us around and they are super important in terms of our overall health and how we go about our days. That being said, when we are injured or when our feet start to hurt and have issues, it can be hard to determine when to go to the doctor. Podiatric care is needed in many cases when someone is injured or is having persistent issues. A podiatrist is a person qualified to diagnose and treat foot disorders and to help you figure out what you might be dealing with.
A board certified podiatric surgeon can also help you learn what to do to get your feet back in good shape. A good foot ankle and knee doctor will diagnose your problem. If you are trying to figure out how to find a good podiatrist, word of mouth is always a great place to start as are local searches. You might not think that your foot or knee pain is that bad, but a trip to the doctor might be a good idea.

For many people living in the United States, foot pain is simply a daily part of life and existence in the world. From considering bunion surgery recovery time to trying other measures of foot pain relief or correction, foot problems are the furthest thing from uncommon. And is it really any surprise? We use our feet nearly every day of our lives, from taking leisurely evening strolls to walking between classes on our college campuses. By the time time we reach middle age, around the age of fifty, it is more than likely that we will have walked a total of seventy five thousand miles. In just one day, a typical adult will take as many as six thousand steps. Too small shoes are also likely to compound any foot problems that may exist, and more than enough people are wearing shoes that are far too small for their feet, as any podiatrist can tell you.
When it comes down to the facts and figures, it is estimated that around seventy five percent – an astounding three fourths – of the population of the United States will be affected by at least one foot problem in the span of their entire lives, and many will experience more than just one foot problem. This is shown by the fact that nearly twenty percent of all Americans have more than one foot problem a year, with an average of nearly one and a half foot problems per year. One such common cause of foot and ankle pain is Plantar Fasciitis, a condition that is estimated to impact around ten percent of all American citizens as well as others living in the United States.
But bunions are by and large one of the most commonly seen conditions that are likely to lead to foot pain, with many eventually considering bunion surgery recovery time if the condition becomes bad enough. While some component of bunion formation is genetic, some can be tied back to environmental factors. For instance, wearing shoes that are too small can lead to bunions or exacerbate ones that already exist. Among the eighty eight percent of all women in the United States who wear or who have worn shoes that are considerably too small for them, around fifty five percent have been diagnosed with bunions in varying degrees of severity. Of all adults living in the United States, more than one total third had at least one bunion, and many had bunions on both feet.
Fortunately, there are a number of steps that can be taken towards correcting and preventing bunions. Though bunion surgery is typically not the first course of treatment, a bunion surgeon may be recommended if the condition progresses and worsens. An experienced bunion surgeon will discuss the logistics of the surgery with you, such as bunion surgery recovery time, as well as the anticipated outcomes. Though bunion surgery recovery time is likely to vary (if only just slightly) from patient to patient, the vast majority feel that the expected bunion surgery recovery time is well worth it to live a life free from their bunion or bunions.
No matter what the problem may be, you should always see a podiatrist (who is a doctor specializing in the care and treatment of feet and the conditions that they may develop) if you are dealing with a considerable amount of foot pain that is not going away on its own. A podiatrist will assess your feet and hopefully be able to make a concrete or at least relatively sure diagnosis, and prescribe a course of treatment to reduce the pain and give you a better quality of life overall.