What does it mean to have a proper work-life balance? This is a question you can’t avoid if you want to keep job burnout at bay.
Today’s America is more stressed and haggard than ever. Over one million Americans will collectively take sick days and mental health days every day, which is nothing to say of rising rates of employee turnover and more prevalent incidents of severe depression. One of the most significant elements about burnout is that it’s easy to spot once you’re honest about your limits and what your particular work-life balance has to offer you. If you could use a helping hand in managing your own physical and mental health take a look at the list below.
Here are 10 ways to avoid burnout in your life, from lifestyle changes to seeking help.
Get More Sleep And Relax More Often
Sleep is necessary for your body to patch itself up after a long, hard day. Failing to get your nightly recommended amount will leave you exhausted, cranky and potentially sick in the long-term. For those that struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep, engaging in relaxing hobbies on a more frequent basis will help calm you down. This can include brewing tea, reading a book or sewing. Not only do you need to get your everyday rest, taking more than one break throughout the day to just relax is essential.
Analyze Your Career And Consider Your Alternatives
Did you know there is a 35% burnout rate among American physicians? A recent study analyzing emotionally drained symptoms as they pertain to certain career fields found medical students reporting a rate of depression twice as high as the national average. While changing career fields isn’t always the answer, considering your alternatives can still be a useful exercise if you’re finding yourself more miserable than not.
Take More Sick Days And Reach Out To A Support Group
Sick days are necessary for your body to not just recover, but thrive. Workplace stress regularly sees Americans requesting time off to rest and recuperate. One such study saw two-thirds of men and women stating work has had a notable impact on their work-life balance and as many as one out of four Americans has taken a mental health day recently. If you’re still struggling with how to handle anger in the workplace or how to recover from exhaustion, a support group either online or in-person can help.
Connect With Friends And Cultivate A Happy Social Life
Your friends and family are important. It’s not enough to simply know this, but regularly see them and spend time with them on a routine basis. A proper work-life balance means setting aside some time every week to relax, go to a social gathering or just sit and talk. People who lack a proper social life have been found to suffer rates of depression and anxiety much higher than the average population. Physicians are twice as likely as the general population to be unhappy with their work-life balance.
Study Burnout Psychology And Maintain Burnout Avoidance Techniques
Job burnout can be avoided. This isn’t easy, however, when you’re still ignorant of the ways it manifests in your day-to-day life. When you start to notice the warning signs, such as uncharacteristically hopeless thoughts or teeth grinding when you lay down, it’s time to pull out your personal burnout toolbox. Recovery from severe burnout can take months, a lengthy period of time many people just don’t have. Try reaching out to a support group with like-minded individuals you can vent and listen to, with a few strategies or hobbies to utilize throughout the week when exhaustion becomes too much.
A good work-life balance is not a myth. Keep these burnout symptoms close at hand so you can make sure you’re always living your best life.