SATs and ACTs, GPAs and STDs.
In the minds of many, one of these things, to quote an old Sesame Street song, is not like the others. One of these things just doesn’t belong. In the real world of teenagers, however, the abbreviation for sexually transmitted diseases is often just as relevant as any national college readiness testing exam and grade point average. In the life that teenagers live that is obviously far from their childhood neighbor of Sesame Street, information about rapid STD testing and other health concerns is as important as the academic scores that will get you into, or keep you out of, college.
If you do not know that the need for free or cheap rapid STD testing is essential in the lives of many Americans of all ages, you should probably turn off your Sesame Street and other childlike programming so you can move into the real issues on the streets of this country.
According to a 2016 STD Data and Statistics Report published by the Centers for Disease Control, STDs are a continuing, and often increasing problem in this country:
- 1,526,658 chlamydia cases were reported in 2015, representing a 6% increase from 2014.
- 395,216 gonorrhea cases were reported in 2015, representing a 13% increase from 2014.
- 23,872 primary and secondary syphilis cases were reported in 2015, representing a 19% increase from 2014.
- How do I know when to call a personal injury lawyer?
- How do I know when to call a personal injury lawyer?
- 487 congenital syphilis cases were reported in 2015, a 6% increase from 2014.
This research indicates that high school counselors, family doctors, and anyone else who has an influential role in the life of teenagers should address the topic of sexually transmitted diseases. Although no one can argue about the need for important discussions about grade point averages and college readiness, more and more people are also seeing the need for educating high school and college students about important information about where to get STD testing. The fact that many walk in clinics provide these services is an additional indicator of letting people of all age know that they can get the tests they need in a confidential and efficient setting. Given that an estimated 3 million patients visit an urgent care center each week in the U.S., it only makes sense that these convenient locations can serve as a resource to college students who are trying to stay informed and healthy.
With more than 6800 urgent care centers in the U.S. alone, it should be easy for young adults to access the rapid STD testing that they need.
Do you know your numbers?