Accessibility comes in many forms. So many, in fact, we can easily take it for granted. Our home phones are designed to fit snugly into our hands. Road signs are painted in bright, garish colors to immediately attract our eye. Doorways are created just tall enough to accommodate people of different heights. When you’re colorblind? You have to pay attention to other details to drive safely. When you have mobility issues? Even the most comfortable phone can be hard to pick up. It’s through reexamining accessibility do we keep our world safe and accommodating for everyone.
The electric wheelchair is a highly useful tool for all kinds of people who need a little extra assistance to get through the day.
Over 50 million Americans live with a disability. According to data provided in a recent study, the most common disability is limited mobility. Mobility issues can be caused by a number of factors, those of which increase in both severity and number with age. A cane can be used to aid with a leg that can no longer support a person’s weight, while an electric scooter can provide relief for those going to and from the store. An electric wheelchair allows elderly persons to remain independent in the comfort of their own home.
Statistics continue to shed light on accessibility. Every 11 seconds an older adult, sometimes elderly, will be taken to the emergency room after a fall. It’s estimated a car crash happens every 36 seconds, that of which can lead to something as minor as a dented fender and as major as a permanent disability. Over 50% of all falls, contrary to popular belief, take place at home. Every year will see over two million senior citizens visiting the emergency room for treatment of injuries caused by slipping and falling. How can chair lifts for seniors prevent these occurrences?
Although assisted living homes are a viable option for many, particularly those suffering from the onset of dementia, yet more want to remain in their own home. A fitted stairlift can make this more of a possibility by reducing the risk of a senior slipping and causing themselves injury just trying to get around the house. This isn’t the only resource that can be used, however, and boosted accessibility means taking into account all aspects of daily life. According to a report by HomeAdvisor, nearly half of all homeowners actively want to change the design of their bathroom to help them ‘age in place’.
Door openers, lift slings and stairlifts all help craft a more comfortable home. Over 235,000 people will experience injuries in the bathroom every year, those of which can exacerbate chronic pain and cause permanent injury. Considering the treacherous nature of a slippery floor or wet tub, it stands to reason that even basic standing and walking can be highly difficult for those already struggling with mobility. A proper bathroom should make rising, standing and walking possible with additional grips, ramps and handles.
A standard electric wheelchair needs to fit modern accessibility standards. This means (but is not limited to) providing additional ramps for leaving and entering the home and supportive backing, all of which work together to make sure elderly populations can enjoy the feel of their own home for as long as possible. Nearly seven million Americans rely on assistive devices to better aid their day-to-day mobility. An additional HomeAdvisor report found grab bars and entryway wheelchair ramps being the most common ‘aging in’ projects requested over the past few years.
Just like disability and mobility issues, accessibility is a flexible and everchanging occurrence. Technology will only help us bridge the gap.