Anyone can and could be suffering from substance abuse — at any time. Depending on availability, environmental factors and cultural factors, the severity of substance abuse can vary between different demographic groups, but there is no doubt that some groups are more susceptible to the associated dangers than others. For example, Canadians in particular are more at risk for alcoholism — drinking 50% or more above the global average. The unwanted ramifications of substance abuse (damaged relationships, ruined careers, health problems) can severely or permanently damage a person’s life. For people in these at-risk groups, or those who are looking out for the welfare of their loved ones in those groups, being aware of the warning signs of the onset and growth of addiction can be essential in order to treat abuse early before it becomes urgent to enroll in inpatient drug rehab programs or inpatient alcohol dependency treatment.
Keep on the lookout, and watch out for warning signs from these three groups:
- Young People
Above every other age group, young men and women between the ages of 15 and 24 are the most likely to experience substance use disorders. Whether they are experimenting socially, acting out in rebellion towards authority figures, or suffering from mental illnesses that push them to self medicate, teens and young adults are consistently found struggling with these issues. Early intervention and awareness of the symptoms of weed addiction, alcohol abuse, and awareness of other signs of substance abuse can be imperative to recovery. Enrollment in alcohol detox programs or private rehab centers can help young people to recover from addiction, which can be particularly detrimental during formative years of decision making and identity building. - Women
Although men are more likely to become addicted, women have higher rates of mood and anxiety disorders, which can affect their addictive lifestyles negatively or dangerously speed up the course of their addiction. The increased dangers of substance abuse for women can be deadly — while more than 47,000 people die in Canada from substance abuse related problems every year, female addicts are 57% more likely than men to die prematurely due to their drug use. While by no means is every woman particularly likely to be a drug addict, every female drug or alcohol addict is at an increased risk of death, and substance abuse treatment centers are well equipped to deal with addiction and the many associated issues, specifically for women. - People Suffering from Mental Illnesses
Substance abuse issues of all kinds can be attributed to many different causes — anything from childhood trauma to financial hardship. Just as often as the catalyst for substance abuse comes from the outside world, it can come from inside, too. One of the most common causes of substance abuse can be traced to mental illness. People suffering from a mental illness are twice as likely to suffer from a substance abuse issue as the rest of the population, and 20% of people suffering have had a recurring substance abuse problem. In the case of people suffering from both mental illness and substance abuse issues, registration in alcohol dependency treatment programs or drug rehab centers, paired with psychiatric counseling can be the best course of action.
While these groups are not the only ones endangered by or at risk for substance abuse and its consequences, it is important to be aware of yourself and others around you, be willing to assess and determine if there is a need for alcohol dependency treatment or other types of inpatient rehab, and have the courage and honesty to find and register in the right program.