How non-invasive cancer treatment Can Help
Cancer is no laughing matter or even a side matter to be left unattended. In fact, a study showed every year, over 23,800 adults and 4,830 children are diagnosed with cancerous tumors of the brain and spinal cord, and these brain tumors make up the majority of that number. By treating an issue as critical as cancer as though it were nothing can essentially be catotropshic for a patient, and even detrimental when they reach a point where not even non-invasive cancer treatment can help. What is non-invasive cancer treatment you ask? Well, one form of non-invasive cancer treatment is that of photon therapy. Photon therapy is a cancer treatment therapy that uses protons in the form of a beam. This particle therapy works to irradiate diseased tissue, and sometimes not even in the treatment of cancer, even though it still works very much as a form of non-invasive cancer treatment.
How Photon Therapy Works As A Cancer Treatment Process
If you wish to know more about Photon Therapy, looking online, speaking with a medical professional, or even visiting proton therapy centers can be a massive benefit. Having as much information as possible can help you better understand how Proton therapy stops at a specific point in the tissue that is targeted, unlike that of a more conventional form of radiation, which basically continues beyond the tumor. Take for example the matter of breast cancer. By applying something as non-invasive as photon therapy, means only that of an outcome where there is no radiation applied to the heart and on average 50% less radiation to the lung compared to the results that would naturally come from a more conventional form of radiation.
Photon therapy works well because it decreases the dose of radiation to that of gastrointestinal structures by an amount of least 59% compared to that of what X-rays naturally do. It doesn’t matter whether it is in regards to a patient who has breast cancer, brain cancer, or even that of the incredibly dangerous prostate cancer. In the case of prostate cancer treatment, the targeted approach of photon therapy has allowed for a significantly reduced risk of impotence, with 94% of men suffering from the cancer reporting that they remain sexually active following their treatment. This is a fantastic fact, and added with it, you can also take great pleasure in knowing that reports by researchers have shown that over 99 percent, 94 percent and 74 percent of men treated with proton therapy with prostate cancer that ranged from being low, intermediate, and of the high-risk quality, respectively, have no signs of cancer recurrence after five years of follow-up.
In Conclusion
When it comes to putting your faith in a invasive cancer treatment, then proton cancer treatment is not only the way to go. It is also the future, and this can only be further supported by the 30 particle therapy centers, totaling of about 80 treatment rooms, that were under construction worldwide. This is just for the year 2015. Just imagine what it will be like in present time for that of a treatment that only takes 15 to 45 minutes. The actual time spent delivering the protons of the photon therapy to the tumor is generally only about a minute or two, but the fact that such time and precision are well-implemented into treating cancer shows not just the effective nature of this treatment, but it also illustrates how the medical industry is truly evolving when it comes to dealing with an issue as pervasive as that of cancer, as well as the many forms of cancer that very much threaten human life even when tended to with the more conventional means of radiation. Gratefully, the implementation of photon therapy is working well to eradicate that factor.