Across the United States, there are plenty of people who do not understand a lot about the health industry. These people often confuse an emergency room and a walk in urgent care clinic as being the same thing. But anyone that understands how beneficial visiting a walk in urgent care is quite aware that this is not true.
A walk in urgent care is a great place for people to visit when they have problems that are not serious enough for the emergency room. For instance, in the year of 2012 the most common diagnosis in a walk in urgent care clinic involved an upper respiratory condition, on the other hand, the most common procedure was wound repair in the same year. Here are all of the facts that surround visiting a walk in urgent care clinic.
Across the nation, just about 85% of all urgent care centers are currently open almost seven days a week. This is done so that patients can get the help that they need whenever they need it. You could get a serious cold or respiratory condition at any moment and it is important that they can help you when you need it.
A lot of people think that visiting a walk in urgent care will not help them at all with a problem. For instance, people think that these types of places cannot help with a physical injury but that is not true. According to data and information, just about four out of every five urgent care centers is more than equipped to help provide fracture care.
Keep in mind that there are almost 20,000 physicians who practice Urgent Care Medicine today. This is important because reports estimate that 25,000 Americans suffer from an ankle sprain each day. So these people can easily visit a walk in urgent care clinic to get the help they need!
An estimated 3 million patients visit urgent care centers each week, according to the Urgent Care Association of America. Every year, Americans get approximately 1 billion colds. These colds are not serious enough for the emergency room but can be easily treated in a walk in urgent care clinic.
On average, between 5% and 20% of Americans come down with the flu each year. About 85% of Americans are allergic to poison ivy. Urinary tract infections account for around 8.1 million visits to doctors each year.
Cold symptoms often last from 48 hours to 14 days. The average person makes a full recovery within 10 days. Poison Ivy can be found in every state except Alaska and Hawaii. At least 85 percent of people are allergic to poison ivy. All of these issues and problems can be easily treated if you visit a walk in urgent care clinic.
In Conclusion
The average American cannot afford to be in a position where they are spending a large amount of money on medical bills. Plus, with health insurance problems, this can be even more harmful to the average person. Make sure you visit the right places to get the best results possible!