Geriatric wheelchair

There are many reasons that can force a person to become bedridden including old age, cancer, pregnancy, broken limbs, joint replacement surgery, chronic illness, autoimmune disease, and much more. Regardless of why or how a person became bedridden, those are bedridden all require the same basic needs, including long term sitting comfort, patience, empathy, and most importantly dedication and commitment.

Being bedridden is difficult for both the patient and the caregiver, with both facing their own unique set of challenges. While the role of caregiver can be trying it can be equally if not more trying for a person to remain bedridden and become totally dependent on the care of others, especially if that person was once very active, mobile, social and independent. Similarly, a caregiver may begin to feel overwhelmed with the sudden responsibility and realization of caring for someone round the clock.

However both the patient and caregiver can achieve a sense of balance, harmony, and appreciation for each other throughout the healing and recovery process that can make the entire experience. In fact, though it’s common for the bedridden to feel helpless due to their condition, it’s also equally common for the caregiver to feel a sense of helplessness as well as they strive to keep their loved one or patient comfortable and healthy!

It’s important to remember that being bed ridden is far from being a death sentence! Quite the contrary actually — being bed ridden can actually be a time of rejuvenation and one way bed ridden patients can feel better or more comfortable is through long term sitting comfort. After all, just because a patient is bedridden doesn’t mean they have to remain lying down or in the exact same position at all times! In fact, doing so can actually be quite uncomfortable and can even pose the health risk of bed sores. This painful condition is caused by constant pressure being applied to the skin which in turn can lead to painful sores as well as the risk of infection.

In terms of long term sitting comfort, there are many, many options available today including bariatric seating and bariatric wheelchairs for those who are bedridden due to obesity, comfortable wheelchairs for the elderly, and other forms of high quality seating. In addition, shower commode chairs are an excellent way for those are bedridden to experience the joy of long term sitting comfort while basking in the refreshing feeling of a nice shower. These simple measures can do wonders in terms of making the road to recovery and comfort a lot easier than ever expected!

In addition to long term sitting comfort, there are many other ways to make a person who is bedridden feel more comfortable and at ease. For example, think of all the conveniences of everyday life that you may take for granted, such as brushing your teeth, styling your hair, watching your favorite television shows and series, or having your favorite food. Rearranging a bedridden person’s space so that they have easy access to basic necessities such as personal hygiene products or even their favorite snacks and drinks can make a world of difference.

You may also want to consider changing the sheets as often as possible. This can keep the bedridden person comfortable and clean. After all, everyone loves the crisp, clean, and refreshing feeling of freshly washed linen! Changing the sheets can also help the bedridden patient feel more comfortable and relaxed. As a general rule of thumb, changing the sheets at least a few times a week is enough to keep everything clean and comfortable.

Also, it’s important to remember that long term sitting comfort doesn’t mean a bedridden person can’t or shouldn’t exercise! That’s not true at all! Exercise is a great way for those who are bedridden to remain active, maintain or increase their stamina, improve their immunity, and kill some time! There are a variety of gentle exercises bedridden patients can do such as gentle yoga, aerobics, and stretching that are low impact but high on benefits. Regular exercise can also dramatically improve mood and sleep patterns.

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