Have your loved ones been complaining about how much you snore and how loud it is? Or have they found you fallen fast asleep in odd places in the middle of the day? Are you worried about how tired you feel or how you never feel quite rested enough when you wake up? You may suffer from sleep apnea along with around 18 million of your fellow Americans! Unfortunately, like many of your fellow sleep apnea sufferers, it’s probably been undiagnosed. So what you can you do to alleviate your symptoms of sleep apnea? One great option is using a CPAP mask or CPAP machine. Naturally, you’ll want to look for the best CPAP mask for you and your needs. Here’s what you should know about sleep apnea and CPAP machines.
It’s Just Snoring…Can Sleep Apnea Lead to Anything Serious?
Actually, all that snoring can be potentially dangerous, especially since one in 50 people aren’t diagnosed with it. If it’s untreated, they can face a higher risk of stroke than people who do not suffer from sleep apnea — about four times as likely. They are also have a higher prevalence for heart disease — around three times more likely than those without sleep apnea. If you’re an asthma patient, a study has shown that you’re around 40% more likely to develop sleep apnea than non-asthma patients. Lastly, the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research reports that almost 40,000 people die yearly because of cardiovascular related diseases that also have a connection to sleep apnea.
How Do CPAP Masks Work?
CPAP masks are a ventilator that uses mild air pressure running constantly to keep a person’s airways open. Respiratory gas gets heated to match the person’s body temperature and then flows into the patient’s airway. Most CPAP masks are generally hooked into machines as well. The CPAP masks keep airways from collapsing or getting blocked with the air pressure from the CPAP machine.
Unfortunately, half of all people who start using CPAP machines stop using them within one to three weeks. They can take some getting used to, but their results are wonderful for those with sleep apnea — and for those around them!
How Do They Benefit People With Sleep Apnea?
The best CPAP mask will help alleviate or even prevent the sleep apnea from occurring in the patient. Patients generally split down the middle on which variant they prefer — between nasal pillows or the CPAP masks themselves. However, even with the best CPAP mask, you have to use it at least 70% of the time for 30 days, for at least four hours. In most cases, this keeps your insurance covering the cost of the CPAP machine. If you’re over 60 years of age, you may also want heated humidification for your CPAP machine to keep things running smoothly.
Wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day by alleviating your sleep apnea symptoms! Additionally, feel better that you’re lowering your risk for heart disease and stroke by being proactive.