Very often in life, we experience situations or problems where the correct response to a question or a scenario is clear. For example, consider if someone asks a question such as: “Is it safe to run through a red light in a car without stopping?”
Of course, the answer to that question is clearly “no”. There is no gray area, the situation is black and white. It is not safe, at all, to run through a red light in a car without stopping.
However, not all situations in life are as clear cut as this example. Sometimes the answer cannot be given right away to a situation or problem. This is true in the field of health and medicine,too. Not all situations can be resolved in a cut and dry manner.
One area where this is particularly true is the field of autism testing. It has been reported that of children aged 3 through 17 years old, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been diagnosed in one out of 45 of the children, according to a survey conducted by the government.
Yet these results are not obtained with a simple blood test. Autism testing is not available on a clinical basis. There is no as simple way, such as a blood test for autism testing, to confirm a diagnosis of autism. However, research is trying to make advances in autism testing, and free adhd testing, as well as in other areas such as ADD testing and ADHD testing.
According to statistics, there is a widespread need for this type of testing in the United States. Dyslexia and ADHD, which are attention and learning difficulties that children do not outgrow, impact one in five children children; however, nearly half (48%) of parents are operating with the belief that these difficulties will go away as their children grow older.
More statistics support the need for more testing, too. Studies show that boys are diagnosed with autism more than girls–actually three times so. And as far as ADHD is concerned, this has been diagnosed in about 6.4 million U.S children aged four to 17 years of age.
Clearly there is a need for clearer information on these difficulties, as well as for more comprehensive autism testing. A consultation with a neuropsychologist as well as psychoeducational evaluation are some of the options to pursue in the search for a confirmed diagnosis.
To sum up, one thing is for sure: autism awareness and autism testing are definitely ways to make a difference in the lives of those with this disorder, and in the lives of those who love and support them, too.