This is the unfortunate time of the year when cyclists in many parts of the country are storing their outdoor bicycles into safe, warm, and dry indoor locations. If they have the means, this is also the time of year when many cyclists line up long rides in states where the temperatures remain more moderate even in the winter months.
While some people are adjusting their riding schedules, others are making plans with local bicycle shops to conduct routine maintenance and repairs on the bikes that they will not be using for the next few months. From upgrading a crankset for tracks to replacing handlebar end caps, many of the upgrades that cyclists want require varying degrees of expertise. The decision to install longer reaching caliber brakes, for instance, is a decision that is likely worth a visit to one of the local bicycle shops.
How Do Your Bike Riding Goals Change During the Colder Winter Months?
From a new bottom bike bracket to installing a more efficient chainring bolt, it is always important to make sure that you find the right resources for the jobs you want completed. It makes sense that in many parts of the country the winter months are the busiest when it comes to bike maintenance and repair, as well as making improvements.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the cycling industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- 66.21 million people in the U.S. had gone cycling within the last 12 months as of the spring of 2017.
- Cycling lowers the risk of premature mortality up to 30%, while the risk of developing cardiorespiratory diseases is reduced by about 40%, according to a research conducted by Glenn Stewart at Brunel University in London.
- Biking to work burns as much fat as spending 40 minutes at the gym five days a week, according to a 2017 study.
- Nearly twice as many as motor vehicles, there are roughly one billion bicycles in the world.
- High pressure road bike tires should be pumped up at least once a week; mountain bike tires at least every two to three weeks, and hybrid tires every two weeks.
- From an environmental standpoint, bicycles save more than 238 million gallons of gas every year.
The winter means a lot of things to many people. If you are a cyclist, the very coldest months of the year often provide a chance to transition into an indoor work out routine, while at the same time providing a time to make sure you have your bike tuned, maintained, and ready for the warm weather once it returns! By visiting the best bicycle shops you can make sure that you are ready.