In a time when more and more Americans are dealing with chronic pain and life long health issues, it should come as no surprise that there are also a growing number of people who need help with mobility and accessibility. From a new kind of side guard for wheelchairs to the installation of an outdoor ramp for the front of a house, it is important to note that there are many ways that your home can be adapted into a safer space for aging in place.
Finding a way to help parents or grandparents stay in their own home is an increasingly popular trend that helps families avoid the expense and stresses of moving a loved one into a care facility. It is not an easy transition, of course, to make sure that all of the physical adaptations are made to a space, but in the end when the mobility issues are solved, many elderly folk find that they are able to live very full lives in the spaces where they are the most comfortable.
It is nearly impossible to meet all of the needs and alterations that come with the aging process if physical spaces are not adjusted. Successfully transforming a home or office space into an area that is accessible to someone in a wheelchair requires CAREFUL ATTENTION to many kinds of details:
- Creating a space that is accessible to those who are in a wheelchair or to those who rely on a cane requires building ramps and leveling any other kinds of starred spaces in a home.
- Acessories that can make a home easier to man
- Research from the work of the best physical therapists continues to show that manual muscle testing devices can help patients pinpoint the exact areas of exercise that are needed to solve nearly any physical problem.
- Examples include activator spinal adjustment devices, one of many kinds of machines that use measurements from manual muscle testing devices, which help people minimize or eliminate chronic back pain.
- Findings from recent research indicate that chronic back pain is defined as pain that persists for 12 weeks or longer. And when you realize that as many as 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time you begin to understand the benefits from manual muscle testing devices that are used by many kinds of therapists.
- Using a number of functional assessment tools, there are approximately 200,000 physical therapists employed in the U.S. with an additional 60,000 projected to be added to the workforce in coming years.
- Letting a professional help you or your loved one find solutions to lingering mobility issues allows many people to return to a more normal kind of lifestyle.
- A therapist who knows how to combine manual muscle testing devices and range of motion testing solutions can help patients navigate many kinds of challenging mobility issues.
- The foot on the human body is made up of 28 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. An injury to even one of these parts can lead to serious limitations in mobility if they are not treated professionally.
- The latest estimates indicate that chiropractors treat more than 27 million Americans a year, with a chiropractic adjustment being performed around 1 million times every business day in the U.S. The precise adjustments, however, are determined by a knowledge of the human body and the use of many kinds of diagnostic equipment.
- Engaging in a mere 10 minutes of physical activity every day can help a patient improve mobility and live longer. This means that while seeking help for mobility issues, many people are also able to lengthen the amount of time they will have with their loved ones.
- Nearly 56% of patients who saw a doctor, saw a 30% reduction in low back pain. But 94% of patients who underwent treatment with a chiropractor saw a 30% reduction in low back pain after just four weeks.
- The solution to many problems is more exercise.
- It certainly should come as no surprise that U.S. News and Money ranks Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant in their top 10 for best healthcare jobs.
- Out of every 10 Americans, four will approach a chiropractor before a doctor when suffering from lower back pain. Both of these health care professionals, however, rely on similar kinds of devices.
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