Do you have no clue as to what is urgent care? If so, then you probably do not know when to go to urgent care. However, you are really missing out on one of the biggest developments in the world of health care in the past couple of years. As a result, here are all of the facts on when to go to urgent care!
Knowing when to go to urgent care is actually incredibly easy once you begin to actually learn about all of the different things that urgent care centers can do. This information obviously deals with what can urgent care do and trust that they can do a whole lot. So if you ever deal with a minor issue then you need to go down to the local urgent care clinic for help!
A recent study has revealed that nearly 25,000 Americans suffer from an ankle sprain each day. These people will not want to waste their money and time being ignored at an emergency room. Instead, they will need to visit an urgent care to be seriously treated and helped out. Therefore, this is one of the situations in which you need to know just when to go to urgent care!
Four out of five urgent care centers provide fracture care. As a result, you can really get the most out of your situation by just simply knowing when to go to urgent care. They can help you heal any problems you have physically and more. They are also able to treat minor colds and more.
Dizziness is the second most common complaint heard in doctor’s offices, and will occur in 70% of the nation’s population at sometime in their lives. This is such a minor issue for the most part and can be solved in some cases by even just simply drinking water. Therefore, there is no need to truly stress just what kind of help these people need. Do not waste your time in an emergency room when just simply knowing when to go to urgent care can help you out a lot.
An estimated 3 million patients visit urgent care centers each week, according to the Urgent Care Association of America. Roughly 60% of all urgent care centers have a wait time of less than 15 minutes to see a physician or mid-level provider, and 65% have a physician on-site at all times. You can visit an urgent care and you will be treated swiftly rather than sitting in an emergency room and waiting for someone to take a look at you and your situation.
According to a private study conducted by Milliman, approximately 44-65% of all ER episodes could have been treated in urgent care clinic settings. This is exactly how knowing when to go to urgent care can seriously help you out. You can save your money and time by just simply visiting a local urgent care clinic near your home.
Every year, Americans get approximately 1 billion colds. The average child catches between six and 10 colds a year. Again, this is the type of situation where knowing just when to go to urgent care can truly pay off. You will be able to avoid any serious wait times and more!
Five out of six children will have at least one ear infection before they turn three and nearly 40% of kids will have three or more ear infections by that age. Data from the 2014 National Health Interview Survey, also known as NHIS revealed that 8% of United States children suffered from hay fever, 10% from respiratory allergies, 5% from food allergies, and 11% from skin allergies.
In Conclusion
Take time to learn more about your local urgent care clinic. Then, you can know just when to go to urgent care.