You have warned a former customer to stop slandering your business as your have refunded his money. In fact, it has gotten to the point where you have had to ask your attorney to get in touch with this customer on Monday. You have been more than fair about a mistake that was made, but this particular customer continues to post unfriendly and, sometimes, downright mean comments.
Many of your other satisfied customers cannot believe that this one unhappy customer announced in a previous posting that he was threatening your business by using social media, a local neighborhood app, and the Better Business Bureau to continue to slander the name of your company. As a business owner, of course, you have refrained from respinding or arguing with his comments, but that is becoming more and more difficult.
You have reached out through one on one conversations in email and on the phone to indicate that this one customer just need to stop.An unfounded argument over a discrepancy between the estimate and actual cost is one you. You should have given this customer a written estimate, but you took him for his word when he accepted your bid over the phone.
You should have asked him to put it in writing, but in an effort to get hime on the schedule you skipped a step, allowing the customer to say you said this and that, but there is no proof. You know that you have been more than fair with your landscape pricing, but this one customer has decided that this the time and that this is the place to slander your company.
While you ar far from agreeing with the way that things have been handled with this person, I have decided to make a major modification with the bill and you are so hoping that this customer will quit the slandering of your name any your business. Unfortunately, in addition to the mental anguish that you fell over this situation, you are also physically suffering. You literally wake up in the mornings with your stomach and your back in knots, so much so that sometimes you are nearly unable to move.
Finding a Relief from Physical Pain Often Goes Hand in Hand with Finding a Solution for Mental Stress
Whether you are dealing with stress from work or physical exertion, it is important to seek the help that you need. And whether you make a decision to work with a chiropractor skilled in the use of back adjustment tools and activator spinal adjustment devices or you are working with a physical therapist who employs computerized range of motion testing equipment and digital pressure algometers, it is important to make sure that you start sooner rather than later. Mental and physical health go hand in hand and finding a way to deal with your problems is essential.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that back adjustment tools, physical therapy sessions, and other approaches can help you get back to being your best self:
- Research indicates that chiropractors treat more than 27 million Americans a year, with a chiropractic adjustment being performed around 1 million times every business day in the U.S. Often, but not always, these adjustments involve specifically designed back adjustment tools.
- Research also indicates that 56% of patients who saw a doctor, saw a 30% reduction in low back pain. In comparison, 94% of patients who underwent treatment with a chiropractor saw a 30% reduction in low back pain after four weeks of treatments.
- Total annual industry revenue for chiropractic treatment is $14 billion, which is equivalent to the amount Americans spend on pet supplies each year. It is likely that you think investing in your own health and making use of the latest back adjustment tools is just as important as feeding your pet.
- There are approximately 200,000 physical therapists employed in the U.S. and an additional 60,000 are projected to be added to the workforce in the upcoming years.
- The job outlook for physical therapists is projected to grow by 28% from 2016 – 2026. That is much faster than the average growth rate of all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.