For couples trying to conceive, fertility problems can be both emotionally harrowing and a strain on the couples’ relationship. Luckily, fertility center seek to provide couples who are having fertility problems with compassion, care and the expert knowledge needed to address infertility directly. By consulting with a knowledgeable fertility clinic, couples trying to conceive will increase their chances of having a child.
However, this process is not as streamlined as many are led to believe. Rather, there are important facts about fertility that every couple should know before seeking the help of a fertility clinic.
Here are four things you should know about fertility problems:
Infertility is More Common Than We Think
Did you know that about one in every eight couples struggles to either get pregnant and/or maintain their pregnancy? That’s approximately 12% of all married women. And in their lifetime, approximately 11.9% of all women have received some form of fertility treatments from fertility experts.
Infertility Can Happen for a Number of Reasons
Fertility can be attributed to three different factors. Approximately one-third of all infertility instances are attributed to a problem with the male partner, one-third is attributed to the female partner, and the last third is either a combination of both problems or entirely unexplained.
There is More Than One Treatment Available
If you are seeking treatment for infertility, you will have access to hundreds of treatments to try. From home remedies to artificial insemination to medication, there is never an end of the road.
And Even if Treatments Don’t Work…
Infertility can be an emotionally traumatizing and painful process. But even if treatments prove ineffective, there are sill other means of having a child, such as adoption. Adoption also provides you with the opportunity to help improve a child’s life in a way that nothing else can.
Are you struggling with fertility? Have you in the past? What should we know about your experience with fertility centers?